Day Trip to Santa Cruz

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Summer in San Francisco is all about leaving the city. Just 15-20 minutes out of the city you find clear blue skies, sunshine, shorts, sun dresses, and happier people. All in all you find Summer. San Francisco during the summer months is a fog bank and the lucky days the sun does decide to grace us with its presence the wind quickly swoops in taking the smile off your face. My love and I decided to drive a little further than 20 minutes out of the city - we went for a mini road trip to Santa Cruz, which is about an hour and half scenic drive. Santa Cruz was 75 and sunny. We checked out the beach near the boardwalk - crazytown. The beach was pact with people covering every inch of it. Post laying out we got in the car and drove up the 1N and grubbed on some chips, salsa, and tacos. Then we continued our drive home, with a smile on our face from a full day of sunshine.

the end. 

by mlekoshi